This is not my pinky finger, just so you know.
It's just that kind of day. Sort of melancholy. You
would think that it would be all of last week with all the rain, thunder, and
lightening we had. And we did get it good. We needed it so bad. Hopefully this
will keep the fires at bay. And it is hurricane season. Dang. There was one
clap of thunder yesterday that honest to pete, made the trailer shake. Scared
the you know what out of me. Beulah had already been there since she sensed it
coming. I don't do storms very well. It just brings home the feelings of being
alone. Oh well..
I started to knit. Yeah for me... ha ha. Well, that may
be a gross exaggeration of knitting. I have learned to put the stitches onto
the needle. ha ha... And I like that part so far. ha ha...
I am trying to do some of the things on my so called
"bucket list". I think it's more of a "I'm bored I want to do.......". ha ha.
I have always wanted to learn to really crochet, knit, and quilting. I am on my
way with crocheting, and I love it. My hands aren't always cooperating though.
With my carpal tunnel and arthritis, they get sore, but oh well, that just lets
me know that they are still there. The saddest part of all that is that I have
had to take off my pinky ring. I just about cried. I have had that on my pinky
for 43 years. I got it as a gift from my mom and dad for my 16th birthday,
along with a great sweet sixteen party. It was my initials DJB with a tiny
diamond. I always thought it sort of looked like a U instead of a J, but I
loved it then, and I love it now. Wish I could find those pictures. Anyway, I
will keep trying to get it on. The strange part is how strange my finger feels
without it. Over the years my fingers have gotten fatter along with the rest of
me, but it still fit. Now old age is doing it for me.
Well this was short, but need to take my baby girl out in
this insufferable heat. At least it's not storming.
Until next time.
How cute is your pinky ring! Your nail polish is a lovely colour too. Maybe you can put your ring on a necklace and wear it around your neck (if you are a necklace-wearing type of person).
ReplyDeleteI have tried knitting many times, and I just don't "get" it, that's why I tried crocheting last year and it worked, look ma, no holes! I wish I'd learned years ago, but better late than never.
You are rather good at crafts, I have seen some of the cards you make, they are beautiful.
(I am still LOL-ing at: This is not my pinky finger, just so you know.) hahahahaha!
You have only been crocheting for a year??? Oh my gosh, you do beautiful work and actually make things other than a scarf or afghan. I envy your work and aspire to do better things.
ReplyDeleteAs to the nail polish, that is a different story. It is made by Revlon and called Raspberry Scone. It is scented and smells really good. ha ha.
I am anxious to get my afghan done. It is so hot and even with the air conditioning on, it is still warm because it is getting bigger. I also want to work on more wash cloths for Christmas gifts.
Thanks Nicole for always inspiring me... : )