Had my appointment with the Pain Management Doctor today, and he wants me to go back to the shots in my back again. I did not like them then, and don't want them now, but I will NOT let them do surgery on my back, so I will have to go through this again and pray that it will help a little. It didn't last time. The only thing it did was give me all the bad side effects. Insomnia (up 3 days straight with NO sleep, red face, blood sugar way way high, and more. Next week is full of appointments with doctors and physical therapist. Have plans for lunch with a friend in there, and crochet group on Tuesday and Thursday. I am just a social butterfly... Okay. so doctor's make it onto that list, but lets face it, I see them more than anyone else. ha ha.
I got to thinking. And for me that's dangerous. Did you ever stop to think that if you just changed one letter in moAning it would be moRning. And that's one reason (in my mind) that we're moaning about getting up so early in the morning.
Nothing good on TV that I can think of, so it's reading and crocheting for me. Temps are getting cooler and will turn cold during the night, which means I will wake up with "crispy hair"....ha ha.
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